March Bird Bulletin
Courtesy of Kate Neall, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Gambrills.
• Did you know? Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is home to one of the largest breeding populations of bald eagles in the United States. The refuge’s observation floor is a WBU Pathways to Nature program site and funded by a percentage of each WBU customer’s purchases.
• Bluebirds are busy staking territory and selecting houses. Be sure to have their favorite foods available and have your bluebird houses ready! If you need any guidance, call or come visit our shop – we are happy help!
• Have you been wondering where your Goldfinches went this winter? Well, they may have been hiding in plain sight all along! In winter, they sport their winter feathers which are drab brown or a dull yellow-green. The winter feathers make it harder to distinguish the males from the females and sometimes they are mistaken for sparrows at first glance. However, in the coming weeks, the males will begin to molt into their brilliant yellow plumage they are best known for!