Memorial Living Tree
Donating a young tree in Quiet
Waters Park creates a legacy for
a special person, pet, or group of
people and makes an on-going
contribution to the Park.
Areas of Quiet Waters Park are
designated as “Memorial Groves”
and native trees are planted as
designated Living Memorial
Trees. The Park rangers will plant
the living tree and install a tree tag
with the name you designate. They
also will maintain the tree over time
to the extent possible.

How to Donate a Memorial Tree
The Donation for a Living Memorial Tree is $500. This includes the costs of the tree itself, expenses for a Memorial Tag, planting and a 3-year replacement guarantee.
At this time, the Memorial Tree available is a Redbud planted in the Redbud Memorial Grove near the entrance to the Park. Your donation tag will be placed on the tree and the name of the donor and location of the tree will be displayed in a book at the park’s Visitor Center if you or others would like to visit the site.
Fill in and submit the application and payment forms below.
The following park policies are followed:
- All memorials are approved in advance by the Park Superintendent.
- Quiet Waters Park will facilitate purchase of approved trees and oversee installation.
- Cost of both the tree and planting is the full responsibility of the donor.
- While we will take reasonable care of trees and memorials, we cannot guarantee that trees and plants will survive for any specified length of time.
- Outside horticultural care (spraying, pruning, etc.) will NOT be allowed; all care will be provided by the park staff.
- Tree plantings will be done in the early Spring or Fall except in special circumstances.
- With the exception of the memorial tag installed by park staff, no additional adornments are permitted on or around Memorial Trees and, if added, will be removed.
- Quiet Waters Park does NOT perform any ceremony.
For more information please contact info@friendsofquietwaterspark.org