Anne Arundel Bird Club Walks
Join the Anne Arundel Bird Club on their monthly walk through Quiet Waters Park on paved paths through habitat that includes mature deciduous forest, wood edges, mowed fields, wetlands, and a native plant garden, along with sweeping views of the open waters of the South River and Harness Creek.
NEW MEETING PLACE — Meet at the parking lot at the end of
Quiet Waters Park Road passed the dog park.
On the 3rd Sunday of each month.
Time is 8:00 – 10:30 am.
ABC bird walks will be following these procedures to insure safety for all of our members: Birders should carefully consider health risks before attending a field trip. Attendance is at your own risk.
- Participants must pre-register and keep in touch with the group leader.
- Trips are limited to the number of participants the trip leader is comfortable leading to ensure a positive experience for all.
- Carpooling is up to the discretion of the driver.
- Masking is optional, but this may change based on prevailing health guidelines and mandates.
- Do not go ahead of leader while walking or in a caravan.
- Speak quietly on a walk or move to the back of the group when talking. “Bird Listening” is as important as “Bird Watching”.
- Do not play bird song or call recordings without leader approval.
For further information contact Jim Collatz at This event is a recurring event the 3rd Sunday of each month – check Upcoming Events.