Art @ the Park 2025 – Quiet Waters Park
Saturday, October 11 10am to 4pm
Sunday, October 12 10am to 4pm

Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks and the Friends of Quiet Waters Park announce that their annual arts festival, Art @ the Park 2025, will take place at Quiet Waters Park in Annapolis, MD October 11 and 12 from 10am-4 pm.
Applications for this juried exhibition OPEN Monday, February 3, 2025 and CLOSE Thursday, May 1, 2025 (late application through Sunday, June 1, 2025 with $25 late fee.) Artists will be notified of jury decisions beginning the week of May 15, 2025.
Also different this year is that we are using Google Forms instead of Zapplication for applications. Please apply using this link:
The application fee is $30 ($55 after May 1). Please pay your application fee here: If payment for your application is not received, you will not be juried or accepted into the show. Booth prices are $125.
For more information: email Ranger Liz at
- Quiet Waters Art @ the Park features exhibition space both inside in the park’s Visitor and Blue Heron Centers and outside in the Blue Heron Center Porch & Patio and the Formal Garden (between the two buildings).
- Interior spaces comprise minimum areas of approximately 60 square feet with a front dimension of at least 8 feet. Interior spaces are irregular in shape so flexibility in exhibit design is necessary.
- Outside spaces are approximately 100 square feet with dimensions of 10×10 feet. Tents are required for all uncovered outdoor spaces within allowable dimensions.
- There is no access to electricity outside. Inside, there is limited electricity. Please check with festival staff before using electricity. Access to electricity is not guaranteed.
- An elevator is available on the ground level of the Visitor Center.
- Exhibitors may only show work typified by submitted images.
- All art displayed must be for sale. Special sales and discounts are discouraged, as they tend to detract from overall quality.
- Each exhibitor is responsible for presenting an attractive appearance and keeping the area clean.
- All displays should be neat, clean, and tables should be covered on visible sides to the floor with a suitable, professional looking cover.
- Exhibitors must supply their own tables and chairs.
- Exhibitors are expected to clean up and remove all materials associated with their displays at the end of the show.
- Exhibitors may not sublet or apportion space to anyone else.
- Nudity in artwork is not allowed.
- The festival is rain or shine, both days. Moderate to heavy rains can cause muddy conditions outside, including around some of the outdoor spaces.
- Quiet Waters Park, The Friends of Quiet Waters Park, Anne Arundel County, or staff/volunteers assume no responsibility for loss or damage to exhibitors’ property. The exhibitor is strongly encouraged to obtain independent insurance. The Blue Heron and Visitor Centers both have security alarm systems that will be activated at night. Security is not available for displays outside of buildings (including porches, patios, and gardens). Exhibitors are encouraged to secure or remove items of value at the end of each day.
- Exhibitors are responsible for payment of Maryland state sales taxes.
- In case of cancellation by the exhibitor, The Friends of Quiet Waters Park will refund space rental fee to exhibitors only if the space can be allocated to another. No refunds will be given for cancellations within a month of the festival.
- While every attempt will be made to maintain advertised festival hours, unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to severe weather, may result in shortened hours. The decision to adjust hours or shorten festival hours will be made by park staff with participant and consumer safety at the forefront. The Friends of Quiet Waters Park, Anne Arundel County, or staff/volunteers assume no responsibility for any losses incurred by the exhibitor, including, but not limited to, damage to exhibitors’ property, lost sales revenue, exhibition costs, or personal injury. The exhibitor is strongly encouraged to consult their insurance advisor about obtaining independent event, exhibitor, liability, or other necessary insurance coverage. In the case of shortened or cancelled festival hours, no refunds of booth registration fees will be given.
- From 10am to 5pm on the Friday before the festival, and/or from 7 to 9:30am on the Saturday of the festival.
Unload from paved areas near doorways of the two buildings. Vehicles must then immediately be moved to authorized parking areas. Please do NOT use Handicapped parking spaces without a permit. The consequence is a heavy fine.
- There is to be no parking on the grass.
- The park has no staff to assist with set-up or unloading.
- No one shall leave early on either day.
- All exhibitors must be out of the buildings and exhibition areas by 5:30pm on Saturday.
- Clean-up deadline is dusk on Sunday.
Please sign in at the Information Table on your set-up day.
If you have kindly contributed an item of your art for our raffle, please take it to the raffle table Saturday morning (before 9:30 if possible).
- Outdoor vendors will not have access to electricity.
- Some porch spaces may have electrical service and requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Generators are not permitted.
- Other electrical devices such as fans, heaters, radios, chargers etc. are not allowed.
- For inside spaces, only one extension cord per outlet is allowed (no pigtails). Extension cords that are frayed, that have been repaired, or do not meet the electrical load requirements are not allowed.
- Exhibitors with low voltage lighting will be given priority.
- We suggest using energy efficient lighting such as Light Emitting Diodes (LED) or Compact Fluorescents (CF) to light your booth or display. Note: A 12 watt LED light is equivalent to a 60 watt incandescent bulb.
Festival staff and hosts will be circulating throughout the venue during the two days of the festival. Please feel free to ask for any help you may need. The hosts will be available to relieve you at your booth for any short breaks you may need.
The festival benefits The Friends of Quiet Waters Park, a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization that supports the park through advocacy and volunteer work. All funds raised through the festival are used to support Quiet Waters Park and its programs.