Composting Demonstrations

Composting Demonstrations

Next time you’re out in your yard bagging up grass clippings or pruning scraps to put out on the curb in plastic bags – wait a minute! How about composting those materials instead? You’ll be able to make a rich soil amendment for normal, sandy, or clay soil and cut down on the bags of mulch and compost you purchase. You can even compost certain kitchen scraps along with garden materials.Compost site sign

Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners provide a team of volunteers who maintain a composting demonstration site down the path behind the Blue Heron Center parking lot on the Wildwood Trail. [see map] There are a dozen methods of composting on display with self-instructional signs and brochures available. Better yet, the team gives demonstration sessions from April through November. Those who attend are instructed on how to start and maintain compost, and also receive a free compost bin and other useful items!

During the Spring, Summer and Fall, we offer demonstrations at the composting site where you can learn how to do home composting and get answers to your composting questions.

Parking is available in the Blue Heron Center lot.

To arrange for a special demonstration at the site for your garden club or other group,
Contact Pam Dennison –

2025 Schedule
Demonstrations for the public will be at 10am unless otherwise noted. 

Sat. Apr. 26 (Earth Day) at Noon

Wed. May 7

Sat. May 17

Sat. June 21

Sat. July 19

Sat. Aug. 16

Wed. Sept. 3

Sat. Sept. 20

Wed. Oct. 1

Sat. Oct. 18

Sat. Nov. 1

AAMasterGardenerThis project is run by Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners in cooperation with Quiet Waters Park. AA Co. provides free compost bins and other giveaways.

The Master Gardeners program is part of the University of Maryland Extension. It is the policy of the University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, and University of Maryland Extension that all persons have equal opportunity and access to programs and facilities without regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability.